Hotel Tivoli

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Geschichte des Hotel Tivoli
Geschichte des Hotel Tivoli
Geschichte des Hotel Tivoli
Geschichte des Hotel Tivoli

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Symbol Hotel Tivoli

1886 The thatched farmhouse was converted into a restaurant with club rooms and two halls.

Symbol Hotel Tivoli

1886-1936 Various different owners and tenants ran the Tivoli.

Symbol Hotel Tivoli

1 July 1936 Angela and Bernhard Sandschulte acquired the Tivoli from the beer wholesaler Tapking. The basic necessary renovations, mainly the plumbing, were done in a hurry, since as early as at the end of July, three shooting festivals were catered for.

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From 1937 The hotel started selling ice cream with four ice cream vans.

Symbol Hotel Tivoli

1938 Herbert Sandschulte was born.

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1939 For 10 days the Tivoli became a troop assembly point. Bernhard Sandschulte was drafted into the army. Angela Sandschulte continued to run the house alone.

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1941 After a hard winter, with the onset of thaw and additional rain, sheets of ice came loose and dammed up the Scharmbeck brook. All cellars and the large hall were flooded.

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1941 The first bombs fell in Scharmbeck, a neighbouring property was hit.

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1942-1945 The large hall became an emergency camp for Bremen residents who had been bombed out of their homes. The upper small hall was seized as a clothing store.
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1946 The hall was reopened.

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1949 Bernhard Sandschulte returned after years as a Russian prisoner of war.
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1952 The Tivoli became a hotel. The first three double and three single rooms with running water were created from the upper hall. The acquisition of further plots of land enlarged the area.
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1957 The hall was enlarged to accommodate a capacity of 1000 guests.

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1964 A double bowling alley with adjoining rooms was built. The hall was leased to a supermarket chain.
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1971 The business was taken over by Herbert Sandschulte, who ran the business with his wife Doris.
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1975 Above the garages and the supermarket, 20 guest rooms with shower and toilet facilities were built. The apartment house with two floors was also built.
Symbol Hotel Tivoli
1978 The first Americans came to the district and brought with them a lively boom in business – to the Hotel Tivoli as well. The hotel was fully packed out.
Symbol Hotel Tivoli
1982 More hotel rooms were built above the hall.
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1985 A third floor was added to the guest house. Elevators were installed and the hotel started to run its own laundrette.
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1992 German reunification brought the withdrawal of the Americans from the Garlstedt garrison. The economic situation of the district worsened. The Tivoli converted the former supermarket, then run by a remnants market, into a hall for about 150 guests.
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1995 The restaurant was renovated as well as the Settenbeck room and the bowling alley, which was equipped with conference facilities.

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2001 The breakfast room received fixed refrigerated buffet facili
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2004 Herbert Sandschulte handed over the business to his two sons Bernd and Klaus. The company was transformed into Hotel Tivoli GmbH & Co KG.
Symbol Hotel Tivoli
2005 A block heat and power plant was installed.
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2006 The second block heat and power plant was put into operation.
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2008 Das zweite Block-Heiz-Kraftwerk ging an den Start.

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2011 The 75th family anniversary was celebrated on July 1st.
Symbol Hotel Tivoli
2012 The two block heat and power plants were replaced by a new, more efficient one.
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2012 The Tivoli joined the hotel cooperation “Kiek in” in November.
Symbol Hotel Tivoli
2014 The business was taken over by Bernd Sandschulte.

Hotel Tivoli GmbH & Co. KG

Beckstraße 2
D-27711 Osterholz-Scharmbeck

Telefon: +49 (0) 4791 805-0